Opened Bid Details

Construction of Old Road (Benin-Agbor Road) from Queen Ede School to Tony Dee Road, Part of Mechanic Road, Eresonye Primary School Road, Enogie Palace Road and Odionvba Street, Ogbeson Quarters (3.3km) (Status: Evaluation)
Closing Date:
12/07/2024 16:00
Bid opening date:
12/07/2024 16:02
Opening Report:
Envelope : 1 (Download)  
Bid Security currency:
Envelope Provider Name Bid ID Bid Price (NGN) Bid Security Provided Bid Security Amount Power of Attorney Bid Securing Declaration
Single JEZUWA NIGERIA LIMITED 644 2750803456.00 N/A Yes N/A
Single COHFA GLOBAL HI-TECH LIMITED 643 331717920.00 N/A Yes N/A