Opened Bid Details

Rehabilitation of 13.22km Roads within Iguobazuwa/Usen Axis (Lot 14) comprising Okemola Road and Usen-Okoro Road Off Usen Poly Road, Ugbogui Market Road, and Usen/Hospital Road Iguobazuwa (Status: Awarded)
Closing Date:
16/01/2024 15:00
Bid opening date:
16/01/2024 15:02
Opening Report:
Envelope : 1 (Download)  
Bid Security currency:
Envelope Provider Name Bid ID Bid Price (NGN) Bid Security Provided Bid Security Amount Power of Attorney Bid Securing Declaration
Single COHFA GLOBAL HI-TECH LIMITED 480 5308313088.00 N/A Yes N/A
Single TREAPO NIG LTD 491 5533143040.00 N/A Yes N/A